Fatima/Church related links
WAF England and Wales Facebook Page:
Holy See – Vatican: www.vatican.va
WAF International Secretariat: https://www.worldfatima.com
WAF Centre for Latin America & the Caribbean: www.apostoladomundialdefatima.org (contains articles written by the International President for the formation of WAF Leaders)
WorldfatimaTv: www.worldfatimatv.com
Mater Fatima organisation – currently promoting centenaries of Saints Jacinta and Francisco: https://materfatima.org/us/
WAF Czech Republic: https://www.cm-fatima.cz/
WAF Germany: https://www.fatima-weltapostolat.de/
WAF Ireland: https://fatima.ie/
WAF Romania: https://www.fatimaapostolatus.home.ro
WAF Spain: https://www.soldefatima.com
WAF Switzerland: https://www.fatima.ch/
Latin America
WAF Mexico: www.fatimamexico.org.mx
United States:
WAF Cameroon: https://worldfatimaafrica.blogspot.in/
Sanctuary of Fatima:
Pontifical Council for the Laity:
Postulation Centre in Fatima for the Canonisation of Blessed Francisco and Jacinta:
Cause for the Beatification of the Servant of God Sr Lucia:
(Through this website you can obtain the Prayer for her Beatification, send them prayer requests, and there is a further link where you can post an account of graces received through praying to Sr Lucia, entirely anonymously if one so desires. There is also a tab at which you can subscribe to the Newsletter which promotes the Cause of her Beatification.)
Fatima Family Apostolate International: www.fatimafamily.org
https://www.fatima-scotland.org/ Fatima Apostolate in Scotland
www.mostholyrosary.org Site devoted to promotion of Fatima and the Rosary
https://www.fatimasite.com/ site promoting aspects of Fatima message
www.fatima.co.uk/Site on everything concerning the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima.
Italian Friends of Fatima blog: https://amicidifatima.blogspot.com/
Marian Apparitions links
Links to other approved apparitions:
Guadlupe 1531: https://www.virgendeguadalupe.mx/
Rue du Bac 1830: https://www.chapellenotredamedelamedaillemiraculeuse.com/EN/a__Welcome.asp
La Salette 1846: https://lasalette.cef.fr/
Lourdes 1858: https://en.lourdes-france.org/
Pontmain 1871: https://www.sanctuaire-pontmain.com/?lang=en
Knock 1879: https://www.knock-shrine.ie/
Fatima 1917: https://www.santuario-fatima.pt/portal/index.php?lang=EN
Beauraing 1932: https://beauraing.catho.be/uk/uk_000_frames.html
Banneux 1933: https://www.banneux-nd.be/gb/accueil.gb.htm
L’ile Bouchard 1948L https://www.mairie-ilebouchard.fr/fr/actualite/1920/l-histoire-ile-bouchard
Tre Fontane: https://www.theotokos.org.uk/pages/approved/appariti/trefonta.html
Our Lady of Health shrine in India: https://www.vailankannishrine.org/
Benedictine monastery at Einsiedeln, Switzerland, which enfolds the Marian shrine: www.kloster-einsiedeln.ch
Maria Radna Basilica in Romania: www.en.mariaradna.com
Other links:
https://www.fatima-dominicans.com/ Dominican Nuns of the Perpetual Rosary, Monastery Pius XII, Fatima, Portugal. An international Community of cloistered, contemplative Nuns, living in Fatima, who belong to the Order of Preachers, the Dominicans.
https://www.theotokos.org.uk/ Theotokos Books site – Fatima, apparition discernment etc.
https://www.schooloftheannunciation.com/ The School of the Annunciation is a centre for adult formation, responding to the Church’s call for a New Evangelisation, in which the Catholic Faith is joyfully transmitted anew in all its beauty, depth and vigour.
https://www.alivetotheworld.co.uk/ Making the work of the World Congresses of the Family, and the Alive to the World programme, better known, and promoting the the 2017 Congress and Centenary in Portugal.
https://www.blessedmarymotherofgod.com/ For Marian books which pertain to the True Devotion to Mary and Marian consecration, and specifically why we should consecrate ourselves to Mary, how to prepare for the Consecration, and how to live the Consecration:
www.myconsecration.org/total-consecration/make-your-consecration.html MyConsecration.org offers free Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort books.
National Association of Catholic Families
University of Dayton Mary Page
Rosary Confraternity Headquarters – USA